How to cancel your Amazon Prime subscription and close your account
Amazon Prime is a membership program offered by Amazon that includes free two-day shipping on eligible purchases, access to streaming of TV shows, movies, music, and more. However, if you are no longer using the services offered by Amazon Prime or if you want to cancel your subscription for any reason, this article will guide you on how to cancel your Amazon Prime subscription and close your account.
Step 1: Sign into your Amazon account
The first step to cancel your Amazon Prime subscription and close your account is to sign in to your Amazon account. Go to the Amazon website and enter your login credentials (email/phone number and password).
Step 2: Go to “Your Amazon Prime Membership” page
Once you are logged in, navigate to the “Your Account” menu and select “Your Prime Membership” from the drop-down. This will take you to the Amazon Prime Membership page.
Step 3: Navigate to “End Membership and Benefits.”
Scroll down the page and locate the “End Membership and Benefits” section. Click on “End Membership and Benefits” to initiate the cancellation process.
Step 4: Confirm your cancellation
Amazon will prompt you to confirm your cancellation. Click on “End My Benefits” to confirm that you want to cancel your subscription. By cancelling your subscription, you will no longer have access to the benefits of Amazon Prime, including two-day shipping, streaming, and more.
Step 5: Check for a refund
If you cancel your Amazon Prime subscription before the end of the billing period, Amazon may issue you a refund for the unused portion of your subscription. Check the Amazon website or contact customer service to confirm if a refund is applicable.
Step 6: Close your Amazon account
If you want to close your Amazon account entirely, go to the “Contact Us” page and select the option “My Account > Close My Account.” Fill out the required information and submit your request to have your account closed. Once your account is closed, you won’t be able to access any of your previous purchases, order history, or saved lists on Amazon.
In conclusion, cancelling your Amazon Prime subscription and closing your account is a simple process that can be done through the Amazon website. It is important to confirm any potential refunds before cancelling and to note that once you close your Amazon account, you will permanently lose access to any data previously stored. By following these steps, you can cancel your Amazon Prime membership with ease.