How Adaptive Learning Revolutionizes Corporate Training
Adaptive learning is transforming education, changing the way learning content is delivered and contributing to better learning outcomes. Adaptive learning uses artificial intelligence to tailor content to each individual’s needs actively. The technique doesn’t only create customized learning experiences for learners, but also provides personalized feedback, which further enhances learning.
There are various benefits adaptive learning can provide corporate learners. Let’s go through them to apply adaptive learning in corporate training programs better.
1. It shortens training and time off work
A natural outcome of a course that is designed with the needs of an individual in mind is the ease with which the learner absorbs the learning material. Employees who receive learning materials that are adapted to their needs and level of competency, master new information faster.
The training industry has seen a case of a course that would normally take two-and-a-half-days, shortened to less than eight hours because it was delivered via adaptive learning modules. It’s possible to shorten the learning time because the course materials focus on existing skills gaps and nothing else.
2. It makes the best of each employee’s potential
With tailored training, each employee stands a better chance at career success. Corporate training that succeeds helps employees to become more proficient at their job, which can lead to promotion and increased job satisfaction. In the long run, happy employees translate into a happy work environment and an organization that grows and attracts top achievers.
3. Adaptive learning and its results improve over time
It’s the nature of adaptive learning that it adapts over time according to learners’ progress. Adaptive learning programs continually collect data about a learner’s progress, what they have mastered, and what they are struggling with. It then uses this information to target the learning material further, so all knowledge and skills gaps are resolved. As learners use the program, they create data which adds to the program’s database, which in turn, optimizes its ability to hone learners’ learning experiences.
4. Adaptive learning addresses unconscious incompetence
It is one thing if employees are aware of what they don’t know; in other words when they are “consciously incompetent.” It’s quite another thing, and more serious, when employees are blissfully unaware of the gaps in their competency – when they are “unconsciously incompetent.” This situation can have dire consequences for a business as it leads to many mistakes, some of them serious. A training course must address unconscious incompetence, and adaptive learning is ideal for this purpose.
5. The ideal solution for heterogeneous groups
Adaptive learning is the best learning solution for heterogeneous groups as it adjusts to all differences between course goers: people who have just joined the company and those who have been there for many years; those who have a college degree and those who don’t; those who have worked at various other jobs, and those who have been at the same job most of their working career. Adaptive learning allows for and adapts to differences in skills, knowledge, experience, even temperament.
These are just a few ways in which adaptive learning can benefit corporate training. There are many more. Adaptive learning optimizes the time spent to train staff, saving companies time and money while upgrading skills and knowledge across the enterprise.