Getting Straight A’s in School
If you’re a high school or college student who struggles to achieve decent marks, you might be wondering how certain students get straight A’s every semester. While you may expect to hear about top-secret procedures that allow them to achieve such excellent marks, the truth is considerably simpler. Being a “good learner” is not a natural ability. While being a good student may be simpler for some, it is achievable for almost everyone who is prepared to put in the effort. It all boils down to developing excellent habits and making wise decisions. Continue reading for a few pointers.
- Be Accountable to Yourself
This will be difficult if you’ve never got straight As before. Hold yourself accountable for the goals you’ve set for yourself. You might not get all As the first time you attempt, and that’s fine. However, if you receive a lesser grade, figure out what went wrong and devise a plan to modify your method. Whatever you do, don’t just shrug off a B grade. Your brain must recognize that you are aiming for a higher grade.
- Establish Your Expectations
Getting straight As isn’t as simple as praying for them. Set your expectations from the outset if you want to see great scores on your report cards or transcript. You can make it a reality if you adopt the mindset of “I will obtain all As this semester/term.” Set your intention and focus your attention. Make a list of your objectives and share them with a friend or family member.
- Constantly re-examine
One important strategy you should practice is reviewing class materials and information frequently. If you wait until the night before an exam to study, your brain will simply not be able to learn everything. Instead, pay attention in class and review the material later in the day. Do this every single day for all of your classes. After a while, you’ll notice that reviewing the materials doesn’t take much time, and your brain retains the knowledge better.
- Attend class and participate
It will be hard for you to obtain straight As if you do not attend class. If you skip, you will not only lose important material, but many classes count participation as part of your final grade. Going to class takes no additional effort; it is the most fundamental technique to ensure that you are receiving a solid educational foundation.
Make an effort to participate in class. Ask inquiries if you don’t comprehend anything. Demonstrating to your instructor or professor that you are there to learn and that you are making an effort to achieve can go a long way when it comes time for them to assign grades. The more work you put in, the more likely they are to pitch in if you need it.
- Read Frequently
You should be reading all the time, from textbook chapters to web research. Reading, like athletics or playing an instrument, is a talent that can be honed through practice. If you miss a day of class, read the whole chapter that was taught that day. If you don’t comprehend an idea, conduct some independent study. Even reading books for entertainment purposes will assist teach your brain to learn through reading.
Finally, consider the following:
Getting straight As is a difficult undertaking, but it is not impossible if you follow the guidelines above. If you have any concerns, keep in mind that achieving good marks isn’t just for the brightest students. Much of achieving those marks depends on how much effort you are prepared to put in.