7 Tips For Creating The Perfect eLearning Design
While there isn’t an end-all, be-all answer for how you should design your eLearning website, there are tricks of the trade you should know before building one. If you follow these seven tips for creating an effective and intuitive eLearning website design scheme, you’ll be way ahead of the curve!
- Simplicity First
Don’t be a clutter bug. Especially when it comes to ease of navigation, less is definitely more in regards to page design. Saturating any landing page or learning section with too much will distract your learners, leaving them unfulfilled and lacking the engagement necessary to maintain their interest. A lack of interest leads to a lack of learning efficacy. So, be simple and catch their attention!
- Be Consistent Across The Board
Using font styles and image resolutions, which flow into each other and work naturally together is critical. If your transitions between font styles and overall presentations are too jarring and lack coherence, you’re going to pull your learners out of the learning process. Uniformity and cohesion are huge for an effective eLearning module design scheme.
- Vary Your Fonts, Sizes
While consistency is definitely your friend in eLearning site design, that doesn’t mean you should bore your learners. If everything you read is the same font, the same color, and running the same overall presentation route as the thing before it, you will completely alienate and bore your audience. Vary your font usage and sizing along with your image placement. Just make sure to do it in a natural, flowing way.
- White Spaces Are Key
White spaces don’t have to be white. You just have to employ negative space to your advantage, resisting the urge to fill up all blocks of page space with images and text. Using space adds oomph to certain text and images, directing your learners’ focus and keeping them alongside you on the eLearning ride.
- Balance Your Color Scheme
Keep your highlighted colors bright, but don’t bombard your learners with too much of a good thing. Use the right balance of bright and monochromatic colors to carefully walk the tightrope between distracting your learners and boring them to death. Look at your website in developer mode and think like a customer.
- Ensure Everything Is Readable
This may seem simple, but it’s one of the critical errors made by websites across the board. If you’re employing a ton of images and multimedia content, it’s easy to put your font choices, font sizing, and text placement on the back burner while you get everything else in place. That can be hugely detrimental if your font choices and placement make it hard to read for your learner base.
- Could You Navigate Your Site?
Thinking with a mobile mindset, again step into the role of one of your customers. When you navigate your site, are the choices you have to make to do so intuitive? Or, are you trying to swim against the ocean to get where you need to go? Navigation is everything. If an LMS website doesn’t do it right, you’re going to lead learners down a path of dissonance with your service.
Concluding Thoughts
Creating an LMS website can be especially hard, but with these tips, you’re sure to succeed. Just remember to keep the website clean and professional. When you think like a customer, you can’t go wrong.